Shipping options as a seller on the marketplace
As a seller through our marketplace, you have the freedom to decide how you want to ship your items. You can set these options when listing a product and change them at any time before the sale. There are insured and uninsured shipping methods. Here are the shipping options you can choose:
- uninsured shipping by large letter (German Post) at 1,60 €
- uninsured shipping by small letter (German post) at 2,75 €
- uninsured shipping by small parcel (DHL Päckchen) at 3,99 €
- insured shipping by package (DHL) for 5,49 €
- Shipping service provider of your choice or free of shipping costs
Please note: You can only change the shipping method until the item has been purchased by the buyer. After the sale, you will be informed accordingly about the successful sale and are obliged to ship your sale as originally specified, as the buyer has already paid the shipping costs when placing the order.
Special feature of the option shipping service provider of your choice ("Own shipping")
With this option you set the rules. You determine the shipping company, the postage and you can even consider the costs for the packaging material. If you want to offer your buyers a special service, you can also offer your items free of shipping costs. Please note that you specify this when posting the item. Once the item has been sold, you must adhere to this information.