The concierge service relieves sellers of the work of putting their items online themselves. Instead, the experienced team at Mädchenflohmarkt takes over the tasks of posting, product description, photography and shipping. This selling service is ideal for sellers who either don't have the time or don't want the hassle of selling their discarded clothing themselves. However, women buyers also benefit from concierge items as they are an indication of verified authenticity and quality.
Characteristics of the concierge service for sellers:
- Signing up for the service: women sellers who wish to use the concierge service must sign up for the service.
- Free shipping of items: After signing up, they will receive a DHL shipping label that will allow them to send their designer fashion items to Mädchenflohmarkt for free.
- Listing and sale: the Mädchenflohmarkt team takes care of professional photography, creating appealing product descriptions and lists the items on the platform. After a successful sale and receipt of payment, the team also takes care of shipping and then provides the proceeds after deducting a commission.