If you have decided to delete your account, we would like to make this process as easy as possible for you. Please follow the steps below to successfully delete your account.
Step-by-step instructions for deleting your account
- Click the "My Account" section in your account and click "Cancel Membership" here.
- Confirm the deletion: Please choose a reason why you want to delete your account and cnfirm the deletion with "Cancel Membership" . Please note that you can only delete your user profile if you have no open accounts, purchases or sales in your user profile. If you have used the Concierge service, you must not have any active products in your closet when you delete your profile.
Reasons for deletion problems
If you are unable to delete your account as described above, you probably have open items in your account. These are some steps you should check:
- Check your transactions: Look at your sales summary and your order summary. Make sure that all transactions are completed. Also, check your statements, you may still have an amount left to pay out.
- Active Concierge Items: If you have used our concierge service and still have active items in your account, please contact our customer service. We can either release them for recycling or take them back.